Veteran Work Ethic
Native Texan Love for
Hill Country Land

To see how Texas Clearing can help with your property, enter your email and we’ll get your free quote and land improvement plan started!

Most land clearing projects take too long, and end up going over budget.

That’s because most land clearing is done by tree removal services, without the right tools to get the job done fast AND safe.
They use hand crews
They aren’t trained in OSHA standards and land clearing safety
Their equipment can scar your land

We're veteran owned, and Hill Country born.
We know how to do the job right for our
Central Texas neighbors — for the right price.

Our field teams use powerful, portable land-clearing equipment specifically optimized for the trees and terrain found in Central Texas. Any time a field team member works on your property, you know they are a respectful, vetted and trained professional — that’s the Texas Clearing Standard!

We Know Texas

Hill Country’s combination of oak, cedar and ash trees and the natural limestone in the soil all require special attention when clearing land.
Plus, local regulations and important environmental considerations can complicate things even further if you’re not careful.
Our team knows exactly what it takes to create beautiful, low-maintenance residential land areas, no matter what the starting point.

We're With You for the Long Haul

We want to be your land partners — we care about the future of your property. That means we’ll still be there for you even when the job is done.
We live here too. We don’t want to create parking lots out of Texas land. And that’s why we believe in using mulchers instead of clear-cutting the properties we work on.
Mulching keeps the nutrients in the soil — keeping your land just as fertile as it was before we started.

Get Your Property Improvement Plan — Free!

The first step in creating the property of your dreams is a conversation with our local land specialists. As Texans, we understand your land — and all the possibilities that it holds.
Our services extend past land clearing — to land recovery and rehabilitation, building rock walls and ponds. Let’s start with a conversation about your vision, and together we’ll bring it to life with a free property improvement plan.

Tell us a little about your property or project:

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